A weekly podcast talking about the latest developments and updates from the Ubuntu Security team.

Latest Episode

Episode 232

Posted on Friday, Jul 5, 2024

This week we deep-dive into one of the best vulnerabilities we’ve seen in a long time regreSSHion - an unauthenticated, remote, root code-execution vulnerability in OpenSSH. Plus we cover updates for Plasma Workspace, Ruby, Netplan, FontForge, OpenVPN and a whole lot more.

Episode 31

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2019

This week we cover security fixes for GNOME Shell, FFmpeg, Sudo, Ghostscript and others, and we talk to Joe McManus about malicious Dockerhub images, Git repos being ransomed more.

Episode 30

Posted on Monday, May 6, 2019

Fixes for 19 different vulnerabilities across MySQL, Dovecot, Memcached and others, plus we talk to Joe McManus about the recent iLnkP2P IoT hack and the compromise of DockerHub’s credentials database and more.

Episode 29

Posted on Tuesday, Apr 30, 2019

This week we look at fixes from the past two weeks including BIND, NTFS-3G, Dovecot, Pacemaker and more, plus we follow up last episodes IoT security discussion with Joe McManus talking about Ubuntu Core. Finally we cover the release of Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo and the transition of Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr to Extended Security Maintenance.

Episode 28

Posted on Monday, Apr 15, 2019

This week we look at updates for vulnerabilities in wpa_supplicant, Samba, systemd, wget and more and we talk to Joe about IoT security (or the prevailing lack-thereof).

Episode 27

Posted on Monday, Apr 8, 2019

Carpe Diem for Apache HTTP Server, plus updates for Dovecot, PolicyKit and the Linux kernel, and we talk to Joe McManus about the recent Asus ShadowHammer supply chain attack and more.

Episode 26

Posted on Monday, Apr 1, 2019

This week we look security updates for a heap of packages including Firefox & Thunderbird, PHP & QEMU, plus we discuss Facebook’s recent password storage incident as well as some listener hardening tips and more.

Episode 25

Posted on Monday, Mar 25, 2019

Ghostscript is back to haunt us for another week, plus we look at vulnerabilities in ntfs-3g, snapd, firefox and more.

Episode 24

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 19, 2019

A look at recent fixes for vulnerabilities in poppler, WALinuxAgent, the Linux kernel and more. We also talk about some listener feedback on Ubuntu hardening and the launch of Ubuntu 14.04 ESM.

Episode 23

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 12, 2019

This week we look at security updates for the Linux kernel, PHP and NVIDIA drivers, revealing recent research into GPU based side-channel attacks plus we call for suggestions on hardening features and more.

Episode 22

Posted on Monday, Mar 4, 2019

This week we cover security updates including Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenSSL and another Ghostscript regression, plus we look at a recent report from Capsule8 comparing Linux hardening features across various distributions and we answer some listener questions.