A weekly podcast talking about the latest developments and updates from the Ubuntu Security team.

Latest Episode

Episode 232

Posted on Friday, Jul 5, 2024

This week we deep-dive into one of the best vulnerabilities we’ve seen in a long time regreSSHion - an unauthenticated, remote, root code-execution vulnerability in OpenSSH. Plus we cover updates for Plasma Workspace, Ruby, Netplan, FontForge, OpenVPN and a whole lot more.

Episode 41

Posted on Monday, Aug 5, 2019

With Alex and Joe having been away at a Canonical sprint last week, we look back at the past fortnight’s security updates including new Linux kernel releases, MySQL, VLC, Django and more plus we discuss a recent Citrix password spraying attack.

Episode 40

Posted on Wednesday, Jul 24, 2019

Big roundup of security updates from the past 2 weeks including Docker, ZeroMQ, Squid, Redis and more, plus we talk with Joe McManus about some recent big fines for companies breaching their GDPR responsibilities and it’s EOL for Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish.

Episode 39

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 9, 2019

A look at security updates for Django, Thunderbird, ZNC, Irssi and more, plus news on the CanonicalLtd GitHub account credentials compromise, SKS PGP keyservers under attack and Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish reaches EOL.

Episode 38

Posted on Tuesday, Jul 2, 2019

This week we look at the latest security updates for the Linux kernel, Firefox, ImageMagick, OpenStack and more, plus we have a special guest, the maintainer and lead developer of the AppArmor project, John Johansen, to talk about the project and some of the upcoming features.

Episode 37

Posted on Friday, Jun 28, 2019

The big new this week is SackPANIC! updates for the Linux kernel, plus we look at vulnerabilities in, and updates for, Samba, SQLite, Bind, Thunderbird and more, and we are hiring!

Episode 36

Posted on Monday, Jun 17, 2019

Security updates for DBus, vim, elfutils, GLib and more, plus Joe and Alex look at another npm package hijack as well as some wider discussions around the big vim RCE of this week.

Episode 35

Posted on Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019

We look at vulnerabilities and updates for Exim, the Linux kernel, Berkeley DB, Qt and more, plus Joe and Alex discuss some recent malware campaigns including Hiddenwasp, and we cover some open positions too.

Episode 34

Posted on Monday, Jun 3, 2019

This week we look at security updates for Keepalived, Corosync, GnuTLS, libseccomp and more, plus we talk insider threats with Joe McManus.

Episode 33

Posted on Monday, May 27, 2019

Updated Intel microcode for Cherry + Bay Trial CPUs, fixes for vulnerabilities in curl, Firefox, PHP and MariaDB, plus we talk configuration of virtualised guests to mitigate speculative execution vulnerabilities as well as plans for the Ubuntu 19.10 development cycle.

Episode 32

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2019

This week we look at updates to cover the latest Intel CPU vulnerabilities (MDS - aka RIDL, Fallout, ZombieLoad), plus other vulnerabilies in PostgreSQL, ISC DHCP, Samba and more, whilst special guest this week is Seth Arnold from the Ubuntu Security Team to talk Main Inclusion Review code audits.