Directory traversal flaw - could be exploited to load arbitrary locale
.dat files - these contain serialized Python objects - so hence can get
arbitrary code execution as a result.
Could use relative path to specify a file outside the locate-data
Seems it’s time for more Apport vulns - every quarter or so
Arbitrary file read / write vulns discovered by Maik Münch
Apport parses various details out of /proc and some of these can be
crafted by the process, ie process name, current working dir etc - and
then goes to gather files etc - and so if can craft these details can get
it to read files which weren’t intended via symlinks etc (mitigated by
symlink protections in Ubuntu) - or from injection of data into say dpkg
queries to get it to include other files like /etc/passwd since this
operation happens as root by apport
These end up in the crash dump and this can be read by the regular user
Also when uploading via whoopsie, race condition where crash dump can be
replaced by a symlink and then the crash dump will be written to the dest
of the symlink - file write vuln - but again mitigated by
When looking up a color, failed to properly validate it - app could then
get extra X protocol requests sent to the X server - ie. could then
disable X server authorisation etc so remote attackers could connect to
the local X server and snoop on inputs etc
Goings on in Ubuntu Security Community
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